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您是否正在考虑出国治疗牙齿?印度可能是您的理想目的地!印度以其优质的医疗服务和实惠的治疗方案而闻名,已成为牙科旅游中心。以下是您可以在印度古尔冈牙科诊所享受的 7 种顶级牙科治疗,这些治疗可满足从国外前来的患者的需求。 1. 种植牙...

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दांतों की सड़न – कारण, लक्षण, बचाव व उपचार
Oral health is overall health. मतलब मुख का स्वास्थ्य ही समपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य का सूचक है। 1. दातों की सड़न हमारे दांत कैल्शियम , फॉस्फोरस...

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How to Keep Tongue Clean?
Tongue Scrapper or Tooth brush?? Using a toothbrush is better than using a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper may injur taste buds if not...

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Oral Health Post COVID-19
A healthy mouth acts as a barrier against all kinds of diseases which also stands true for COVID-19. Improving oral hygiene can reduce...

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COVID SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AT CLINIC 1. Pre-treatment Screening for Patients and Visitors Patients take Prior appointment on phone and...

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Is tongue cleaning essential?
Why clean tongue? Tongue Scrapper or Toothbrush?? Using a toothbrush is better than using a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper may injure...

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How Loose Dentures affect the health of elderly?
Removable dentures are not the first choice of treatment for any patient. We prefer fixed teeth for our elderly patients before we...
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