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Изучение стоматологического туризма: лучшие стоматологические процедуры, доступные для иностранных пациентов в Индии
Вы рассматриваете поездку за границу для лечения зубов? Индия может стать идеальным местом! Известная своими превосходными медицинскими...

1 мин. чтения
Double Masking - Preventing Covid Spread
Double Masking, that is wearing a cloth or fabric mask on top of a Surgical Mask has proved to be more effective in preventing COVID...

1 мин. чтения
How to Keep Tongue Clean?
Tongue Scrapper or Tooth brush?? Using a toothbrush is better than using a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper may injur taste buds if not...

1 мин. чтения
Oral Health Post COVID-19
A healthy mouth acts as a barrier against all kinds of diseases which also stands true for COVID-19. Improving oral hygiene can reduce...

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COVID SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AT CLINIC 1. Pre-treatment Screening for Patients and Visitors Patients take Prior appointment on phone and...

4 мин. чтения
दांतों की सड़न – कारण, लक्षण, बचाव व उपचार
Oral health is overall health. मतलब मुख का स्वास्थ्य ही समपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य का सूचक है। 1. दातों की सड़न हमारे दांत कैल्शियम , फॉस्फोरस...

1 мин. чтения
Is tongue cleaning essential?
Why clean tongue? Tongue Scrapper or Toothbrush?? Using a toothbrush is better than using a tongue scraper. A tongue scraper may injure...

1 мин. чтения
How Loose Dentures affect the health of elderly?
Removable dentures are not the first choice of treatment for any patient. We prefer fixed teeth for our elderly patients before we...
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