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1. Pre-treatment Screening for Patients and Visitors Patients take Prior appointment on phone and reach 15 mins prior to appointment. All patients are asked to share travel & medical history. Thermal scanning, Oxygen saturation level monitoring done, and PPE are provided to all patients before entering operatory.

2. Disinfection Protocol All surfaces, Dental chairs, and equipment are disinfected after every appointment to prevent any cross infection with 1% Hypochlorite Disinfection solution acc. To Guidelines.

3. Instrument Sterilisation Protocol We Adhere to international sterilization standards. All instruments are cleaned, packed, autoclaved, and stored in UV Light chambers to maintain sterilization.

4. PPE for Dentists, Patients, and Assistants We use standard PPE’s for all dentists and dental assistants to prevent any cross-contamination between patients and staff.

5. Air Purifier and High Vac Suction We are using High Vacuum suction to minimize aerosol generation during dental procedures and air purifiers to clean the air and reduce the risk of infection.

6. Digital Records and Payment system All patient’s records are digitally maintained and shared with the patient to keep minimum contact.

7. Proper Bio-Medical Waste Disposal Bio-Medical Waste is collected by authorized agencies and dispose of acc. to WHO BMW disposal guidelines. The clinic has obtained NOC from the Haryana Pollution control board for the same.

8. Clinic Fumigation Complete clinic premises are fumigated after appointments to ensure the elimination of all forms of microbial life.


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